Low resolution textures on Ultra graphics settings?

Solution 1:

The setting you are looking for is (most likely) DLSS.

What is DLSS?

DLSS (Deep-Learning Super Sampling) is an Anti-Aliasing method that uses Deep Learning to upscale the rendered frame, thus reducing aliasing (aka. "jaggies"). It's also a method to increase performance.

What DLSS really does, is reduce the resolution your GPU is rendering at (thus improving performance), and upscaling the image to make it look like the game is still rendering at the same resolution. The technology isn't perfect, of course, but appears to yield better results (less quality loss) at 4k or higher resolutions than it does for lower resolutions (including 1440p).

Playing in 4k, I only noticed the negative effects of DLSS while trying to read Artyom's journal while the train was on the move. As the text was moving around, there was a very noticeable ghosting effect, making it very hard (and tiring) to read. After disabling DLSS, the ghosting was gone, and the text perfectly readable.

In any case, DLSS is the most likely culprit for any kind of visual degradation, especially concerning low resolution textures. That is, after all, precisely how DLSS works.