I can't add SYSTEM account in task scheduler. When I try to add it becomes MYDOMAIN\SYSTEM and I get invalid user error.

Can I use SYSTEM account to run a scheduled task?

Solution 1:

For Windows Server 2008 this is how to change to use the SYSTEM user account when executing a scheduled task:

  1. Go to Start > Administrative Tools > Task Scheduler
  2. In the Task Scheduler window click "Create Task" on the right hand bar under the "Actions" pane
  3. In the "Create Task" dialog click the "Change User or Group" button
  4. Make sure "From this location" is set to the local machine name (to change click "Locations" button and select the local computer name)
  5. Type "SYSTEM" in the text box and press ok . Under "When running the task, use the following user account:" you should see "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM".