How do I unlock the yellow gun?

First, you need to have the green gun to get the yellow gun. The yellow gun can be found by going through the room called "Lighting the Fuse". The following path will take you to that room (you should start by teleporting to the farthest down on the list):

  • Leap of Faith (the starting room, I think): jump off and land on the ledge before the bottom
  • A Jump Too Far: walk across the gap without jumping
  • Three Paths In Sight: walk backwards through the door to the right
  • Window Of Opportunity: go through the green window
  • Too Many Lasers: block off the laser grid with green blocks
  • Lighting the Fuse: go through the doors

There is a second way to unlock the yellow gun. From Three Paths (which you should have found already, hit ESC and find it on the map)

  • Three Paths: Walk to the left. Stare at the wall with the eye on it until it disappears.
  • Running into Trouble: Walk across the path (hold shift)
  • Ground Floor: Go straight. Block off the second laser with the blocks.
  • Managing Resources: Duplicate the blocks (Make a 3x3 square with a hole in the center) so you have enough blocks to go right.
  • Link in a Chain Reaction: You need to create a chain that has approximately the same length to every endpoint. Something like this will work (hover over to see spoiler):

Link in a Chain Reaction solution
Then remove the block where they all connect (Not the one I'm aiming at)
(I have the yellow gun already in this screenshot, but it is obviously not required)