Will my follower use buff potions like Fortify Conjuration?

He summons a wolf thing often and I have some spare potions I could give to him, but I'm not sure if it would be any use.

I have never seen or heard of a follower using any potions. Logically, I understand why they wouldn't, too. Followers are typically used as pack mules, so if you ask them to hold your rare and valuable potion, you don't want them drinking it to combat a pair of bandits.

Marcuro (destruction Mage) will go binge drinking on any magicka potions you leave in his supply. Only give him some before a big fight because he will rain lightning on every rabbit he comes across...

I had the Serana follower equipped with a Vigorous Magika Potion.. and sure enough, she gobbled it up in a fight I had with a Frost Dragon. So yes, I can confirm that followers do eat health/magika potions, but I don't think they touch the buff potions. I'm not sure about Stamina potions.