How to connect to an smb share?

I have a smb share set up (the link smb://a.b.c.d/sharename) that I am attempting to connect to from Windows.

I'd like to either connect directly using a browser or mount the share to a virtual drive.

The problem is I can't seem to get it to work properly. Can anyone let me know how this works?

I'm running Windows 7 64-bit

Solution 1:

You should be seeing the share in the Network neighborhood and be able to use it from there. Just open Windows Explorer and click on Network.

If you cannot see it, then you have a connectivity problem with the sharing computer.

Solution 2:

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. In the path bar, write \\a.b.c.d (pay attention to the backward slashes).
  3. That should create a new entry in "Network" and show its content.
  4. Double-click on the share you want, for instance sharename in the example of the question.

Solution 3:

After the creator's Update in Windows 10, on new Installs Windows disable SMB1 by default in an attempt to stop a virus.

That might be a problem if you want to browse your shares because it will stop you from detecting them, 2 Options:

  1. if you want to enable it Open Windows Features either by searching on windows start or: Control Panel -> Programs & Features -> Turn Windows Features on or off.

Tick SMB1.0/... And restart

  1. Or you can just map a drive to the share: Win+E [This PC] -> Computer Menu -> Map network drive. Choose a Drive letter and specify the Share Network Path and Finish.