What is the name/title of someone that merges things?

Solution 1:

Software is often named for what it does or what it helps to create. Spreadsheet software is not a spread sheet in itself; it helps make spreadsheets. What helps you edit videos? Video editing software!

I would just call it merger software, or similar (merge, merging).

There are some variations of this that may also work:

  • Joiner software
    • "25 Best Free File Joiner Software"
  • Combining software
    • "PDF Combining Software"

When you try to describe people the same way, it comes off very informal, and sometimes it's not something anyone says. It can also come off as rude. You're our coffee guy means that you're the person (usually an intern) that gets our coffee.

(I would not use any of the above suggestions to describe a person.)

Solution 2:

Integrator — Dictionary

noun 1. a person or thing that integrates.