shingle and scree

I have recently learned that shingle is used to describe a mass of small round pebbles, as in a 'shingle beach'. There is a discussion this site two years ago about shingle vs shingled vs pebbly, ehgo. However, a word that I would use to describe a pile of pebbles is 'scree'. How does scree compare to shingle? Is it mountains vs beaches? or jagged vs rounded? Any ideas?

The difference is the weathering. Scree is basically small fallen or slid rocks, usually collected in a draw and fanning at the base of the slope. It is mostly small stuff, and it can contain a lot of fines or dirt. Shingle is small stones weathered by waves. Going up in size, you have cobble and talus, respectively.

Shingle and Scree aren't really technical terms and you won't find concise definitions in geological dictionaries (I looked).