Adjectives between "plain" and "good" that can be used before a noun

I want to complete the following sentence.

Thirty years ago, a person with a bachelor's degree could get a good job after graduation. However, people living in the 21st century can only get a ____ job with a bachelor's degree.

I want to use an adjective that is less positive than "good" in the blank. "plain" means "neither good and nor bad" I think. I want to find a word(preferably a formal one) that means "slightly good".

Solution 1:

"a fair job" may fit. Neither good nor bad, just satisfactory.

  • fair - (adj) adequate - MW
  • fair - moderately or tolerably good -

"a fair understanding of the work"

"They gave only a fair performance of the play"

Solution 2:

Possibly adequate may do.

Satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.
‘this office is perfectly adequate for my needs’


Solution 3:

How about run-of-the-mill, average, or mediocre?

Thirty years ago, a person with a bachelor's degree could get a good job after graduation. However, people living in the 21st century can only get a run-of-the-mill job with a bachelor's degree.

Thirty years ago, a person with a bachelor's degree could get a good job after graduation. However, people living in the 21st century can only get an average job with a bachelor's degree.

Thirty years ago, a person with a bachelor's degree could get a good job after graduation. However, people living in the 21st century can only get a mediocre job with a bachelor's degree.


run-of-the-mill: merely average; commonplace; mediocre

average: typical; common; ordinary

mediocre: of only ordinary or moderate quality; neither good nor bad; barely adequate

Each of these words is less positive than good without being bad.

Solution 4:

Sounds like slightly better than an ordinary/plain/average job, perhaps a decent/passable one.


decent adjective
4 : fairly good : adequate, satisfactory : decent wages

Are there any decent schools in that area?
I've got to get some decent clothes.

passable adjective
: good enough : adequate or satisfactory

He did a passable job with the assignment.

ordinary adjective
: normal or usual : not unusual, different, or special

: neither very good nor very bad :not very impressive

The meal was ordinary and uninspired