What does it mean to "shff fh nair into knee?"

Solution 1:

They were trying to tell you to

Short Hop Fast Fall to land the First Hit of Neutral-Aerial which will combo into the Knee of justice.

Phew. Wasn't that a mouthful? But damn is it worth it for the true combo!

There are actually quite a few shorthanded phrases that have been developed for Smash over the years. I've tried to come up with a not-quite-comprehensive list below of acronyms that may be hard to google. I’ve included wiki links where I could find them. You'll hear many of these from tourney commentators as well as written online:

  • AC - Auto Cancel
  • Bair - Back Aerial
  • BKB - Base Knockback
  • DA - Dash Attack
  • Dair - Down Aerial
  • DBZ - When both characters hit each other and are launched at high speed toward the blastzone simultaneously. Usually results in at least one of the two losing a stock. (See Top 10 DBZ Moments)
  • DI - Directional Influence
  • DJ - Double Jump (using both jumps in quick succession from the ground)
  • DSR - Dave's Stupid Rule (used in tournaments for stage picking)
  • Fair - Forward Aerial
  • FD - Final Destination
  • FF - Fast Fall
  • FH - First Hit (the first hitbox of a multi-hit move) or Full Hop (opposite of shorthop) depending on context.
  • JC - Jump Cancel (usually followed by what you're jump cancelling into. ie: JC Up-Smash)
  • JV - Winning with a stock with no damage (so if you won with 2 extra stocks, but were at 0%, it's almost as if you had 3 stocks. You "JV 3-stocked" the opponent. See this Reddit thread for the history behind it)
  • KB - Knockback
  • KO - Knockout
  • MU - Matchup
  • Nair - Neutral Aerial
  • OoS - Out of Shield
  • PS2 - Pokemon Stadium 2
  • SD - Self Destruct
  • SDI - Smash Directional Influence
  • SH - Shorthop
  • Zair - Z-Aerial or "Grab Aerial"