C# WPF MediaElement Volume only switches between 0 to 100 and ignores the rest of the slider

I have binded the media element volume and the slider's value and for some reason the volume is either 0 or 100. if the slider is all the way down(value = 0) its muting but if its anything else the volume is 100.

Media Element

<MediaElement x:Name="ME" Stretch="Fill"
              Volume="{Binding ElementName=VSlider,Path=Value,
    UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" MediaOpened="ME_MediaOpened"/>

Slider's code

<Slider x:Name="VSlider"
        Width="30" Height="{x:Static wsm:WindowSettings.wpHeight}" Maximum="100"
        Value="{Binding Source={x:Static wsm:WindowSettings.currentVolume }, Mode=OneWay}"
        TickFrequency="10" TickPlacement="BottomRight" 
        SmallChange="1" LargeChange="5" Orientation="Vertical"/>

Because the MediaElement.Volume Property is defined as:

The media's volume represented on a linear scale between 0 and 1. The default is 0.5.

Divide all the settings by 100.

<Slider x:Name="VSlider"
   Maximum="1" TickFrequency="0.1" SmallChange="0.01" LargeChange="0.05"

Note: these Slider properties are all of type double.

You can use two properties per setting in the view model. One for display and user entry in a text box and the other for the slider value:

private double _volume; // Range [ 0.0 .. 1.0 ], bind to slider.
public double Volume
    get => _volume;
    set {
        if (value != _volume) {
            _volume = value;

 // Range [ 0.0 .. 100.0 ], bind to text box.
public double VolumeDisplay
    get => 100.0 * _volume;
    set => Volume = value / 100.0;

See also: How to: Implement Property Change Notification.