Scaled down Openstack Grizzly installation with Juju and Maas

With the latest MAAS and Juju releases (available for 12.04 from the Cloud Tools archive), its possible to mix LXC containers with physical servers to support your OpenStack deployment on a smaller number of servers. Its possible to run the following charms in LXC containers:

  • cinder (so long as you are using a Ceph backend)
  • glance
  • mysql
  • rabbitmq-server
  • nova-cloud-controller
  • swift-proxy
  • keystone

Once you have deployed the charms that need physical servers (nova-compute, quantum-gateway, ceph and swift-storage), you can add LXC containers to specific machines:

juju add-machine lxc:1

The example above will create a LXC container on physical machine 1.

You can then target a charm to a specific LXC container - for example:

juju deploy --to 1/lxc/0 nova-cloud-controller

Deploys nova-cloud-controller to the first LXC container on physical machine 1.

We have some work currently pending final testing that will allow you to deploy ceph/swift-storage and nova-compute on the same physical machines - allowing you to have shared storage/compute servers within your deployment.