A word to describe the type of literature read on toilet?

Solution 1:

It is called toilet literature.

  • Urbandictionary has an entry for this term:

newspapers, national geographic any magazine is good for toilet literature

A: Man it's part of the ritual u gotta read some shit u don't care about to take a good shit
B: Word.

  • Goodreads lists some books under toilet literature genre.

  • There is an article titled "Is the iPhone threatening to kill off toilet literature?"

The National Geographic makes for excellent toilet literature. It does a great job of proving to anybody who might be visiting you that you’re the National Geographic reading type, and that you choose to improve your otherwise limited brain while hanging out on the throne.

For years now the National Geographic, alongside the likes of Time magazine and Art Review, has been bringing culture to time-spent-on-the-toilet worldwide. It brings some sophistication to going for a wee. And it’s come under threat in recent years due to the arrival of the iPhone.

Maisie Skidmore / itsnicethat.com

  • An excerpt from the book "No Amish Need Apply" By Kurt Ringquist:

One staple of American toilet literature I have not touched upon, one that is familiar to any American who has browsed the Humor section of a bookstore, is, of course, the one, the only, Uncle John's Bathroom Reader, in its many forms and variations.

  • Toilet literature doodle:

enter image description here

Solution 2:

IMO- If we can have a coffee-table book, why not a potty-seat book.

Solution 3:

I would suggest "loo books". See the discussion in the English Spectator here.

(If the books are kept in the lavatory because they are obscene, it would be difficult to improve on Rousseau's "books to be read with one hand").