tmux refresh display after terminal width change
With screen
, in a terminal that's 80 columns wide, I can do something like:
for i in $(seq 81); do echo -n "m"; done; echo
and then resize the window to be a little wider, and the last 'm' jumps up to where it would have been had I run the command before resizing the window. I'm really loving tmux
but am missing this lovely feature from screen
... Is there any way to make tmux
do this (some hidden recompute-width
command I haven't found yet)?
EDIT: 2013-07-24
As of February 2013, reflow is supported by tmux!
Here's the commit.
Solution 1:
tmux does not currently support “reflow” or “rewrap” (following the behavior of xterm).
The author of tmux has written several times that he does not personally like the reflow behavior of screen, but that he would consider incorporating it into tmux (as an option, presumably) if someone else were to implement it.
Mailing list references (older first; not an exhaustive list, just what I pulled up with a bit of searching):
- Text Redraw/Reflow tmux vs screen
- 2 questions about working with tmux
- Redo line wrapping on resize
Solution 2:
As of February 2013, reflow is supported by tmux!
Here's the commit.