What is the origin and meaning of the term "Butt Buddies"? [closed]

According to NGram Viewer, this is a new term first gaining some prominence in the late 1980's. It would seem to mean based on what I can find, to reference a male homosexual relationship of some varying level of intimacy. However, its usage seems to be that the speaker is simply implying that two things or people appear to be highly bonded, so much so, that tongue-in-cheek, they appear to be lovers.

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I see a reference to it in "Phrack Magazine" from 1993 in a suggestive, but not literal homosexual way "The software already present on the MCU is all that is needed, the interface need only support certain emulations (see Operation Procedures.) (hmmm... Could Radio Shack and Northern Telecom be butt buddies?)". It's not clear otherwise how the author intended the usage.

It appears in "ATTITUDE" #48 April 1998, but I don't have this magazine and cannot give you the exact quote. Since this is a men's gay magazine, it appears to be in reference to homosexuality, and maybe specifically male homosexuality.

The term 'bum buddies' appears to have been in usage about 10 years earlier and becoming more ubiquitous during the 80's and 90's before being abandoned in the mid 1990's in favor of 'butt buddies'.

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Certainly not the first occurrence, but the South Park episode 'Follow That Egg', which aired in 2005, may have helped make 'butt buddies' a homophobic term in the public consciousness. The episode revolves around the legalisation of same-sex marriage, and the groups that oppose it. The governor of South Park, who has no actual problem with homosexuals getting married, coins the homophobic term 'butt buddies' as a legal 'separate but equal' equivalent to marriage in order to pacify those that feel the word 'marriage' is inappropriate for such a union.

It carries connotations of homosexual men having anal sex. This is reinforced in the episode when a homosexual woman asks "What about lesbians?" (implying that the term is nonsensical to a group not stereotyped as engaging in anal sex), to which the governor replies "Well, like anyone cares about f**king dykes!".

(Apologies for the homophobic language, I am only quoting and do not endorse such opinions!)