"When" or "Where" when refering to scenario?

In a sentence like, "This bias may not be acceptable in all scenarios, especially where/when recall is important," which of where/when should be used?

Solution 1:

We can use both according to the preferred context. There are three main relative adverbs namely where, when and why. While ' when' refers to time, 'where' refers to place, but the curious thing about them is that , as relative pronoun they both mean 'in which' or 'at which'.

'Scenario' can suggest a situation already determined or yet to be determined. What's of prime importance is the antecedent— here, the scenario. In a determined situation it is better to use 'when' , otherwise, 'where'. In the present context, on a superfluous level, both can be used as, neither to time nor to place, 'Scenario' directly refers.