How to move screen without moving cursor in Vim?

  • zz - move current line to the middle of the screen
    (Careful with zz, if you happen to have Caps Lock on accidentally, you will save and exit vim!)
  • zt - move current line to the top of the screen
  • zb - move current line to the bottom of the screen


  • Ctrl-y Moves screen up one line
  • Ctrl-e Moves screen down one line
  • Ctrl-u Moves cursor & screen up ½ page
  • Ctrl-d Moves cursor & screen down ½ page
  • Ctrl-b Moves screen up one page, cursor to last line
  • Ctrl-f Moves screen down one page, cursor to first line

Ctrl-y and Ctrl-e only change the cursor position if it would be moved off screen.

Courtesy of

Vim requires the cursor to be in the current screen at all times, however, you could bookmark the current position scroll around and then return to where you were.

mg  # This book marks the current position as g (this can be any letter)
<scroll around>
`g  # return to g

I'm surprised no one is using the Scrolloff option which keeps the cursor in the middle of the page. Try it with:

:set so=999

It's the first recommended method on the Vim wiki and works well.