Angular2 table rows as component

use existing table elements as selector

The table element doesn't allow <table-line> elements as children and the browser just removes them when it finds them. You can wrap it in a component and still use the allowed <tr> tag. Just use "tr" as selector.

using <template>

<template> should be allowed as well but doesn't yet work in all browsers. Angular2 actually never adds a <template> element to the DOM, but only processes them internally, therefore this can be used in all browsers with Angular2 as well.

Attribute selectors

Another way is to use attribute selectors

  selector: '[my-tr]',

to be used like

<tr my-tr>

I found the example very usefull but it didn't work in the 2,2.3 build, so after much head scratching made it work again with a few small changes.

import {Component, Input} from '@angular/core'

  selector: "[my-tr]",
  template: `<td *ngFor='let item of row'>{{item}}</td>`    
export class MyTrComponent {
  @Input("line") row:any;

  selector: "my-app",
  template: `<h1>{{title}}</h1>
    <tr  *ngFor="let line of data" my-tr [line]="line"></tr>

export class AppComponent {

  title = "Angular 2 - tr attribute selector!";
  data = [ [1,2,3], [11, 12, 13] ];
  constructor() { console.clear(); }

Here's an example using a component with an attribute selector:

import {Component, Input} from '@angular/core';
  selector: '[myTr]',
  template: `<td *ngFor="let item of row">{{item}}</td>`
export class MyTrComponent {
  @Input('myTr') row;
  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `{{title}}
    <tr *ngFor="let line of data" [myTr]="line"></tr>
export class AppComponent {
  title = "Angular 2 - tr attribute selector";
  data = [ [1,2,3], [11, 12, 13] ];


1   2   3
11  12  13

Of course the template in the MyTrComponent would be more involved, but you get the idea.

Old (beta.0) plunker.