Multiple word search and replace in notepad++

Try a regular expression replace of (good)|(great)|(fine) with (?1bad)(?2worse)(?3not).

The search looks for either of three alternatives separated by the |. Each alternative has ist own capture brackets. The replace uses the conditional form ?Ntrue-expression:false-expression where N is decimal digit, the clause checks whether capture expression N matches.

Tested in Notepad++ 6.3


You can find good documentation, about the new PRCE Regular Expressions, used by N++, since the 6.0 version, at the TWO addresses below :

The FIRST one concerns the syntax of regular expressions in SEARCH

The SECOND one concerns the syntax of regular expressions in REPLACEMENT

And, if you can understand "written French", I made a tutorial about PCRE regular expressions, stored in the personal site of Christian Cuvier (cchris), at the address below :

(Extracted from a posting by THEVENOT Guy at )

Install Python Script plugin from Plugin Manager.

Create a file with your substitutions (e.g., C:/Temp/Substitutions.txt), separate values with space:

good bad
great worse
fine not

Create a new script:

with open('C:/Temp/Substitutions.txt') as f:
    for l in f:
        s = l.split()
        editor.replace(s[0], s[1])

Run the new script against the text you want to substitute.

I looked around for some software that would replace several terms at the same time, Notepad ++ has a character limitation (limit of 2046 characters in the replace field), so I decided to make my own replacement version in HTML, here is the site:

window.onload = function(){
	$("textarea,input[type='text']").focus(function() { $(this).select(); } );

function replace(){
	// Get Configuration
	let separatedBy = new RegExp( $("#separatedBy").val() );
	let useRegex = $("#useRegex").prop("checked");
	let isCaseSensitive = $("#caseSensitive").prop("checked") ? "" : "i";
	// Get 'Find' and 'Replace'
	let find = $('#find').val().split(separatedBy);
	let replace = $('#replace').val().split(separatedBy);
	// Make result equal origin
	// Run in each 'find' item
	for(i=0; i<find.length; i++){
		// check if not use Regex to escape the regex
		find[i] = useRegex ? find[i] : find[i].replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
		// Replace
		$("#result").val($("#result").val().replace(new RegExp(find[i],"g"+isCaseSensitive), replace[i]));
	font-family: Sans-Serif;
	box-sizing: border-box;

	padding:1em 10%;

	font-family: monospace;

	border-radius: 5px;
	width: 100%;

	width: 100%;
	border-radius: 5px;
	border: 1px solid #888888;
	padding: 1em;
	display: inline-block;
	color: #888888;
<script src=""></script>
	Original text:<br />
	<textarea id="original" rows="4" cols="50"></textarea>

	Items to find:<br />
<textarea id="find" rows="4" cols="50">item1

	Items to replace:<br />
<textarea id="replace" rows="4" cols="50">replace1

<p class="config">
	<b>Configuration:</b><br><br />
	- Items separated by <input id="separatedBy" type="text" value="\n" size="3" /> (Regex)<br />
	- <input id="useRegex" type="checkbox"/> Use Regex in each item<br>
	- <input id="caseSensitive" type="checkbox" checked/> Use case sensitive

	<input type="button" value="Replace" onclick="replace()" />

	<textarea id="result"  rows="4" cols="50"></textarea>

I needed to run the substitution on several files.

So, based on Mauricio Morales's answer, I created the follow script.

with open('C:/Temp/Substitutions.txt') as f:
    files = notepad.getFiles()
    for file in files:
        for l in f:
            s = l.split()
            editor.replace(s[0], s[1]) # reset file input stream