Line-Comment shortcut on german keyboards

What is the equivalent of CTRL + SLASH on german keyboards?

I know that US-Layouts got that / where the german _ is, since I used an US-Layout for some time. But CTRL + _ just collapses a method.

Just use the slash (Ctrl + ÷) on the numpad.

I found a solution for using the desired shortcut on Intellij Idea.

You just need to:
- click Ctrl+Alt+S to open the settings dialog box, - choose "Keymap" from the left menu
- then search for keyword "comment".
- right click on "Comment with Block comment" and select add Keyboar Shortcuts.
- Type the shortcut you want to use and click ok.
For more details :

I just changed Ctrl + Slash and Ctrl + Shift + Slash to Ctrl + 7 and Ctrl + Shift + 7. Works as expected, as they are the same key on german keyboards.

Problem is Ctrl + Shift + 7 is used for bookmarking a line, so I have to override this shortcut.