How can I obtain the cube root in C++?

Solution 1:

sqrt stands for "square root", and "square root" means raising to the power of 1/2. There is no such thing as "square root with root 2", or "square root with root 3". For other roots, you change the first word; in your case, you are seeking how to perform cube rooting.

Before C++11, there is no specific function for this, but you can go back to first principles:

  • Square root: std::pow(n, 1/2.) (or std::sqrt(n))
  • Cube root: std::pow(n, 1/3.) (or std::cbrt(n) since C++11)
  • Fourth root: std::pow(n, 1/4.)
  • etc.

If you're expecting to pass negative values for n, avoid the std::pow solution — it doesn't support negative inputs with fractional exponents, and this is why std::cbrt was added:

std::cout << std::pow(-8, 1/3.) << '\n';  // Output: -nan
std::cout << std::cbrt(-8)      << '\n';  // Output: -2

N.B. That . is really important, because otherwise 1/3 uses integer division and results in 0.

Solution 2:

in C++11 std::cbrt was introduced as part of math library, you may refer

Solution 3:

include <cmath>
std::pow(n, 1./3.)

Also, in C++11 there is cbrt in the same header.

Math for Dummies.