I have a graphML file that represents relation between multiple SQL tables (nodes and edges).

I am using networkx to parse the file and matplotlib to draw it. The issue I have is that my graph is quite big (around 150 nodes) and hard to read. I do not have any experience in computer graph / drawing and the final result looks messy, is there a way to improve the readability of the graph (another library for instance, larger image,...) without decreasing the total number of nodes?

enter image description here

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

input_graph = nx.read_graphml("graph.graphml")
to_remove = []
for node, data in input_graph.nodes(data=True):
    if data['zone'] != 'gold' or input_graph.degree(node) == 0: 
nx.draw(input_graph, with_labels=True)

Some of the options are:

  • shorten node labels and make use of the colours to differentiate groups/categories of nodes (e.g. nodes that belong to group A are coloured with red, nodes that belong to B are blue, etc.);

  • experiment with the layout: the default layout is spring layout, but another layout might give you less clutter, e.g. circular layout;

  • use datashader's edge bundling.