Why do bandits or other common bad guys constantly attack Geralt in the Wicher 3? [closed]

Solution 1:

Bandits might not necessarily know of Geralt and his deeds and background. This is in the day before the internet and Facebook; access to knowledge of all known Witchers isn't widely available. All the bandits see when you stroll past is a potential mark.

Even if they did know of Geralt, a bandit has a mindset revolving around getting the next meal and being the baddest mofo in town. Meaning, they don't care about risk, they want coin.

It essentially boils down to ignorance and ego.

Plus it feels like in Witcher 3 that the Witchers have a bad name and not respected. This may also lead to thinking they've died out/are in a weak spot. Let's be honest, they're seen as folk that bring the monsters, not fights them. This could also lead to more attacks on weak Witchers

Edit: Further thoughts

Geralt does look like an old man, scarred and tattered, he looks like a pretty easy mark. There are people (humans) that have killed Witchers (check lore) and in large groups, bandits could kill Witchers. One false move for Geralt and the bandits win. I think you may be overestimating Witcher ability vs numbers of opponents.