Takes 30 mins to respawn in ark

It could be because of your world settings, there are options for respawn times. I found these:

Increase PvP Respawn Interval - Enabling will allow for setting changes in repeat deaths from PvP.

Inc PvP Respawn Interval Check Period - The time in which repeat deaths will still count towards a higher respawn timer. !

Inc PvP Respawn Interval Multiplier - The higher the number the longer respawn timers for each death within the "Check Period" interval.

Inc PvP Respawn Interval Base - The base amount of time for one death from PvP. Each death after within the "Check Period" will use the "Multiplier" setting above.

Found this at https://www.reddit.com/r/ARKone/comments/49jwsw/xbox_one_server_settings_explained_to_my_best/