Changing the page layout and canvas size in LibreOffice Draw

Solution 1:

You can use the menu Format/Page dialog to configure the size and orientation of the canvas.

Updating this old answer, the location changed in newer versions of LibreOffice, using v6.4.7.2 this option is under Menu-> Page/Properties

Solution 2:

MenuBar->Format->Page/Slide properties...

I suggest changing to screen orientation and playing with the size to get plenty of room for creative thinking

Solution 3:

In LibreOffice 5, it is under the FormatPage/Slide Properties... dropdown: Format Page/Slide Properties...

This will open the Page Setup Dialog. Under Paper Format, you can choose Format, Width, Height and Orientation (Portrait/Landscape).

Page Setup Paper Format Format Width Height Orientation Portrait Landscape Margins Left Right Top Bottom

Solution 4:

In LibreOffice 6 it is under: Page -> Properties

enter image description here