jQuery: how to change tag name?

You can replace any HTML markup by using jQuery's .replaceWith() method.

example: http://jsfiddle.net/JHmaV/

Ref.: .replaceWith

If you want to keep the existing markup, you could use code like this:

$('#target').replaceWith('<newTag>' + $('#target').html() +'</newTag>')

No, it is not possible according to W3C specification: "tagName of type DOMString, readonly"


Where the DOM renameNode() Method?

Today (2014) no browser understand the new DOM3 renameNode method (see also W3C) check if run at your bowser: http://jsfiddle.net/k2jSm/1/

So, a DOM solution is ugly and I not understand why (??) jQuery not implemented a workaround?

pure DOM algorithm

  1. createElement(new_name)
  2. copy all content to new element;
  3. replace old to new by replaceChild()

is something like this,

function rename_element(node,name) {
    var renamed = document.createElement(name); 
    foreach (node.attributes as a) {
        renamed.setAttribute(a.nodeName, a.nodeValue);
    while (node.firstChild) {
    return node.parentNode.replaceChild(renamed, node);

... wait review and jsfiddle ...

jQuery algorithm

The @ilpoldo algorithm is a good start point,


As others commented, it need a attribute copy ... wait generic ...

specific for class, preserving the attribute, see http://jsfiddle.net/cDgpS/

See also https://stackoverflow.com/a/9468280/287948

The above solutions wipe out the existing element and re-create it from scratch, destroying any event bindings on children in the process.

short answer: (loses <p/>'s attributes)


longer answer: (copies <p/>'s attributes)

$("p").each(function (o, elt) {
  var newElt = $("<div class='p'/>");
  Array.prototype.slice.call(elt.attributes).forEach(function(a) {
    newElt.attr(a.name, a.value);

fiddle with nested bindings

It would be cool to copy any bindings from the at the same time, but getting current bindings didn't work for me.

To preserve the internal content of the tag you can use the accessor .html() in conjunction with .replaceWith()

forked example: http://jsfiddle.net/WVb2Q/1/