Get filenames without path of a specific directory

How can I get all filenames of a directory (and its subdirectorys) without the full path? Directory.GetFiles(...) returns always the full path!

You can extract the filename from full path.

.NET 3, filenames only

var filenames3 = Directory
                .GetFiles(dirPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                .Select(f => Path.GetFileName(f));

.NET 4, filenames only

var filenames4 = Directory
                .EnumerateFiles(dirPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                .Select(Path.GetFileName); // <-- note you can shorten the lambda

Return filenames with relative path inside the directory

// - file1.txt
// - file2.txt
// - subfolder1/file3.txt
// - subfolder2/file4.txt

var skipDirectory = dirPath.Length;
// because we don't want it to be prefixed by a slash
// if dirPath like "C:\MyFolder", rather than "C:\MyFolder\"
if(!dirPath.EndsWith("" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)) skipDirectory++;

var filenames4s = Directory
                .EnumerateFiles(dirPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                .Select(f => f.Substring(skipDirectory));

confirm in LinqPad...

filenames3.SequenceEqual(filenames4).Dump(".NET 3 and 4 methods are the same?");

filenames3.Dump(".NET 3 Variant");
filenames4.Dump(".NET 4 Variant");
filenames4s.Dump(".NET 4, subfolders Variant");

Note that the *Files(dir, pattern, behavior) methods can be simplified to non-recursive *Files(dir) variants if subfolders aren't important

See Path.GetFileName:

Returns the file name and extension of the specified path string.

The Path Class has several useful filename and path methods.

You want Path.GetFileName

This returns just the filename (with extension).

If you want just the name without the extension then use Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension