I am trying to quit finder along with the dock and status bar through terminal and I can't seem to find out how

In Terminal use killall Finder will kill the Finder process, which will then automatically relaunch as a fresh new Finder process.

If you restore finder frequently crate a menu item to Quit it.

defaults write com.apple.finder QuitMenuItem -bool YES

Choosing this will actually quit the Finder as if it was an application, and it will not relaunch automatically in this case. But you will have to Restart. It has to be running all the time since it is the program that runs the graphical interface you interact with. If you force quit it, the Operating System will restart it automatically.

There are a few ways to quit Finder:

Force quit window

Open the force quit window using command-option-escape, then choose Finder-relaunch. The only problem is that it will reopen.

Activity monitor

Open activity monitor, then choose Finder and day to end process. I haven't tried this, but it should work.