Safari keywords?

Solution 1:

I understand this is an older thread, but for the next person who comes along, I recommend taking a look at Safari Keyword Search. It is a Safari extension that adds exactly what you are looking for.

Solution 2:

I don't know if this is what you're looking, but this feature exists on Alfred. It's also on the Mac App Store. And did I mention it's free?

alfred app screenshot

It's basically a spotlight replacement with a few twists. With it, you can set custom searches for any site you want: alfred app preferences

The main advantage is that you can search from anywhere you want, you don't have to be on Safari.

Solution 3:

Alfred, or another app launcher is a great option.

However, if you want to do this without hopping to another application, you can use a text expansion utility. That way, you type wp and it converts to Then, you just have to type in your query and hit enter. This can be done with 10.6's built-in text replacement tool.

Go to the Language and Text System Preferences pane. Choose the Text tab. Click the plus button to create your new substitution rule.

Solution 4:

SafariStand is a SIMBL plugin has this feature. They call it QuickSearch.

For your Wikipedia example (which I also use) you would add this search:

Solution 5:

Omnikey, an extension for Safari does exactly this.