DataTables: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

I understand this a popular issue, and I have read all the similar questions here on Stack Overflow and other sites (including the datatables website).

To clarify, I am using

  • PHP Codeigniter
  • Materliazecss

I have also made sure that I received the JSON array correctly:


My HTML table looks like this:

<table id="customer_table">

And here is my document.ready function:

            $('#customer_table').DataTable( {
                "ajax": 'json',
                "dataSrc": "",
                 "columns": [
                    { "data": "email" },
                    { "data": "name_en" }

The error I am getting is

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

It's even simpler: just use dataSrc:'' option in the ajax defintion so dataTable knows to expect an array instead of an object:

                  processing: true,
                  serverSide: true,

See ajax options


This errors TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined usually means that jQuery DataTables cannot find the data in the response to the Ajax request.

By default jQuery DataTables expects the data to be in one of the formats shown below. Error occurs because data is returned in the format other than default.

Array of arrays

   "data": [
         "Tiger Nixon",
         "System Architect",

Array of objects

   "data": [
         "name": "Tiger Nixon",
         "position": "System Architect",
         "salary": "$320,800",
         "start_date": "2011/04/25",
         "office": "Edinburgh",
         "extn": "5421"


Use default format or use ajax.dataSrc option to define data property containing table data in Ajax response (data by default).

See Data array location for more information.


See jQuery DataTables: Common JavaScript console errors for more details.

OK, thanks all for the help.

However the problem was much easier than that.

All I need to do is to fix my JSON to assign the array, to an attribute called data, as following.

  "data": [{
    "name_en": "hello",
    "phone": "55555555",
    "email": "a.shouman",
    "facebook": "https:\/\/"
  }, ...]

Try as follows the return must be d, not

 ajax: {
      "url": "xx/xxx/xxx",
      "type": "GET",
      "error": function (e) {
      "dataSrc": function (d) {
         return d