React navigation goBack() and update parent state

I've a page that will render the user's name if s/he is logged in or "Create an account" or "Sign in" option if s/he not. Screen as below

enter image description here

They can navigate to "Sign in" or "Create an account" page. After successfully signing in or registering, it will navigate to this page and it will show the user name. Screen as below

enter image description here

Currently, I store user data in AsyncStorage, I want to update this field once the user successfully logs in or register when they redirect from the page.

How can I achieve this?

is there a way to pass param from navigate.goBack() and parent can listen to the params and update its state?

You can pass a callback function as parameter when you call navigate like this:

  const DEMO_TOKEN = await AsyncStorage.getItem('id_token');
  if (DEMO_TOKEN === null) {
    this.props.navigation.navigate('Login', {
      onGoBack: () => this.refresh(),
    return -3;
  } else {

And define your callback function:

refresh() {

Then in the login/registration view, before goBack, you can do this:

await AsyncStorage.setItem('id_token', myId);

Update for React Navigation v5:

await AsyncStorage.setItem('id_token', myId);

is there a way to pass param from navigate.goback() and parent can listen to the params and update its state?

You can pass a callback function as parameter (as mentioned in other answers).

Here is a more clear example, when you navigate from A to B and you want B to communicate information back to A you can pass a callback (here onSelect):


import React from "react";
import { Button, Text, View } from "react-native";

class ViewA extends React.Component {
  state = { selected: false };

  onSelect = data => {

  onPress = () => {
    this.props.navigate("ViewB", { onSelect: this.onSelect });

  render() {
    return (
        <Text>{this.state.selected ? "Selected" : "Not Selected"}</Text>
        <Button title="Next" onPress={this.onPress} />


import React from "react";
import { Button } from "react-native";

class ViewB extends React.Component {
  goBack() {
    const { navigation } = this.props;
    navigation.state.params.onSelect({ selected: true });

  render() {
    return <Button title="back" onPress={this.goBack} />;

Hats off for debrice - Refer to


For React Navigation v5


import React from "react";
import { Button } from "react-native";

class ViewB extends React.Component {
  goBack() {
    const { navigation, route } = this.props;
    route.params.onSelect({ selected: true });

  render() {
    return <Button title="back" onPress={this.goBack} />;

For those who don't want to manage via props, try this. It will call everytime when this page appear.

Note* (this is not only for goBack but it will call every-time you enter this page.)

import { NavigationEvents } from 'react-navigation';

render() {
    return (
        <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
              onWillFocus={() => {
                // Do your things here

I was facing a similar issue, so here is how I solved it by going more into details.

Option one is to navigate back to parent with parameters, just define a callback function in it like this in parent component:

updateData = data => {
  alert("come back status: " + data);
  // some other stuff

and navigate to the child:

onPress = () => {
  this.props.navigation.navigate("ParentScreen", {
    name: "from parent",
    updateData: this.updateData

Now in the child it can be called:


Option two. In order to get data from any component, as the other answer explained, AsyncStorage can be used either synchronously or not.

Once data is saved it can be used anywhere.

// to get
  .then(item => {
    item = JSON.parse(item);
    this.setState({ mystate: item });
// to set
AsyncStorage.setItem("@item", JSON.stringify(someData));

or either use an async function to make it self-update when it gets new value doing like so.

this.state = { item: this.dataUpdate() };
async function dataUpdate() {
  try {
    let item = await AsyncStorage.getItem("@item");
    return item;
  } catch (e) {

See the AsyncStorage docs for more details.