How to convert an Int to a Character in Swift

I've struggled and failed for over ten minutes here and I give in. I need to convert an Int to a Character in Swift and cannot solve it.


How do you convert (cast) an Int (integer) to a Character (char) in Swift?

Illustrative Problem/Task Challenge

Generate a for loop which prints the letters 'A' through 'Z', e.g. something like this:

    for(var i:Int=0;i<26;i++) {      //Important to note - I know 
        print(Character('A' + i));   //this is horrendous syntax...
    }                                //just trying to illustrate! :)

You can't convert an integer directly to a Character instance, but you can go from integer to UnicodeScalar to Character and back again:

let startingValue = Int(("A" as UnicodeScalar).value) // 65
for i in 0 ..< 26 {
    print(Character(UnicodeScalar(i + startingValue)))

How to convert an Int to a Character in Swift

For the sake of future visitors, I am providing a basic answer to the question title rather than the details of the question itself.

It is a two step process. Convert the Int to a UnicodeScalar and then convert the UnicodeScalar to a Character.

let myInteger: Int = 97

// convert Int to a valid UnicodeScalar
guard let myUnicodeScalar = UnicodeScalar(myInteger) else {

// convert UnicodeScalar to Character
let myCharacter = Character(myUnicodeScalar)

// results
print(myCharacter) // a


Or alternatively...

if let myUnicodeScalar = UnicodeScalar(97) 
    let myCharacter = Character(myUnicodeScalar)

See also

  • How to express Strings in Swift using Unicode hexadecimal values (UTF-16)
  • Working with Unicode code points in Swift

try this

for i in 0...25
    let string = String(format: "%c", i+65) as String
    NSLog("%@", string)

So far I've come up with this:

for i in 0 ..< 26 {
    print(Character(UnicodeScalar(Int(UnicodeScalar("A").value) + i)))

If you're just trying to generate "A" to "Z", you can avoid the math and just do:

for c in UnicodeScalar("A").value...UnicodeScalar("Z").value {