Word For When You've Been Forced to No Longer Trust Something or Someone [duplicate]
You're disillusioned.
disillusioned adj
having lost one's ideals, illusions, or false ideas about someone or something; disenchanted
{Collins English Dictionary}
disillusioned (adjective) disenchanted, disappointed, enlightened, indifferent, disabused, sadder and wiser ...
{Collins Thesaurus of the English Language}
You feel betrayed:
to hurt (someone who trusts you, such as a friend or relative) by not giving help or by doing something morally wrong
to fail or desert especially in time of need
You've been burned.
verb (used with object), burned or burnt, burning.
Slang. to suffer losses or be disillusioned in business or social relationships:
She was burned by that phony stock deal.
Dictionary.com — Sense 27
Has Been Burned
Meaning/Usage: To get screwed; to get a bad deal; to be tricked
Explanation: When you are burned, it hurts. When you are screwed, get a bad deal, or get cheated, that hurts too. So it became common to use "burned" in this manner.
Edit: I notice in your question you say:
The word I believe I'm looking for is similar to 'ized' words, in that it describes a state of 'forced distrust' assigned to myself, not the state or act of the object/person breaking the trust (e.g. "I've been/become xxxxxxxized by such-and-such...").
I would say that "I've been burned before" is more a general statement of disillusionment and distrust and doesn't imply a particular instance of "burning" (but it definitely implies that something happened).
You have become jaded
Made dull, apathetic, or cynical by experience or by surfeit