Can I define keyboard shortcuts using the Super key?

In 10.04, I had a lot of keyboard shortcuts defined using Super/Mod4 and one single other key,

  • Super+O ran Opera
  • Super+W opened Nautilus pointing to my Work folder, etc.

In 11.04, these do not seem to work -- only Super+R works to run the terminal, and Super+Shift+W successfully runs Nautilus.

Is there some way I can get these to function again?

Adding them in Keyboard Shortcuts does not work, and neither does adding commands in CompizConfig Settings Manager.

This happens because in Natty Super/Mod4 is a shortcut to the Unity panel. You can change that in Compiz.

  1. Install the compizconfig-settings-managerInstall compizconfig-settings-manager package.

  2. Hit Alt+F2, type about:config and hit Enter to open the Unity configuration.

  3. Change the shortcut for Key to show the launcher as you like to free your Super key:

    enter image description here

In this example I've changed from Super to Super + L

Now your mod key is free to use as you like.

To do this without installing anything and without having to navigate the unfamiliar menus.

  1. Press Alt+F2
  2. Type gnome-terminal Enter
  3. Type gconftool-2 --set --type string /apps/compiz-1/plugins/unityshell/screen0/options/show_launcher '<Super>a' Enter

Change the a after <Super> to whichever key you prefer.

Note that s and w are already taken, and I wouldn't recommend using l because that's often used for lock screen.