How can I view old status messages in Vim?

Solution 1:

In :help Gist, there is a setting that automatically copies the gist link to your clipboard with :Gist -c

If you set g:gist_clip_command, gist.vim will copy the gist code with option '-c'.


let g:gist_clip_command = 'pbcopy'


let g:gist_clip_command = 'xclip -selection clipboard'

Others (cygwin?):

let g:gist_clip_command = 'putclip'

Add this to your ~/.vimrc and you're good to go.


Found a hackish solution.

Go to gist.vim and find this function.

function! s:GistPost(user, token, content, private)

  " find GistID: in content, then we should just update


  let location = substitute(location, '^[^:]\+: ', '', '')
  if len(location) > 0 && location =~ '^\(http\|https\):\/\/gist\.github\.com\/'
    echo 'Done: '.location


  return location

Change echo to echomsg.

  if len(location) > 0 && location =~ '^\(http\|https\):\/\/gist\.github\.com\/'
    echomsg 'Done: '.location

Now restart vim, and after entering :Gist, type :message to get the link from the message-history. The message-history logs everything from echomsg and echoerr for that session.

Solution 2:

I was looking for any answer for your question due to a different plugin. I stumbled upon the name of the message output in :h message.

If your vim window is still open, it looks like you can hit g< to see the last message.

I think :messages works too.