Chrome loading inconsistently after Mojave upgrade

enter image description hereAfter the Mojave upgrade my Google Chrome has consistently loaded slow and often will spin and not to connect to a website. The option is to switch to Safari (AS I Am doing now)

I have reset chrome, cleared all cache, uninstall and re-install.

When I force quit I do get a crash message that I share with google.

I have also tried both incognito as well as regular. See attachedenter image description here

NOTE: I tried loading Chrome:extensions from chrome and it just spins without loading

See attached screen shot of what it does indefinitely

Solution 1:

I would recommend you to remove all Google Chrome extensions via the command-line and then try again.

You might have one that is not working properly and causing it to crash. If you properly want to start fresh maybe following this might be an option:!topic/chrome/t_Q2_PZiXcA

Solution 2:

I removed Google File Stream and now Chrome works!