Set iOS device into Kiosk mode and get the screen not to "sleep"

Solution 1:

I had the same problem with iPad and Guided Access, and the bug has been corrected with iOS 12.1.1 December 5 2018.

In the guided access config menu they added a switch "Mirror Display Auto-Lock" you have to switch on. It then says that the Guided Access will respect what you configured in the "Display & Brightness" menu.

I tested on my iPads, it works 🙂

More info on this website :

Solution 2:

You can set the iPad display to never turn-off automatically. Go to Settings app → Display & Brightness → Auto-Lock and select Never.

Solution 3:

Ive been doing some testing on the issue and reading up on the further reading below.

It seems that the issue is related to iOS12.

Ive done some testing and it seems that if you lock the iOS device (in this case an iPad mini 4) into "single app mode" using the guided access workflow and set sleep > never via settings, the screen lock doesn't work.

But if you put the iOS device into sleep > never and dont put the device into "single app mode" but rather just leave one app running, the iPad dosnt go to sleep. Its not an ideal solution as someone can still switch apps, but its an Ok work around. You should also disable notifications so they dont show up to the screen.

If i have time i may try adopting this iPad into MDM mode via Apple device manager, which i understand has another way to lock a device into "single app mode"

Further reading :