Improve palm rejection on 2018 MBP

I kept having failing palm rejections on my new 2018 MBP's trackpad. I've never had any issue on my 2013 MBP or my 2009 MBP trackpad. The 2018 MBP's trackpad is impractically huge, and the heel or base of my thumb would register a false click while I'm typing or changing in between typing and trackpad use.

I had to enable dragging (without drag lock) since I'm so used to tap-to-click and that exacerbate the issue bad enough that I can't even complete typing any email without repositioning the cursor, or worst, undo-ing jobs manually because the trackpad falsely double-register a tab selection and insert/delete lines as I type, especially while I'm typing or coding fast.

What makes it worst is also the trackpad is slightly off centered to the right making the right thumb base more prone to false registering as a finger.

I tried a few suggestions found on google and played with the sensitivity but none really helps. I resort to cover the side of trackpad (plastic-foil-plastic layer) to block it off. It's not a perfect solution but at least it takes care of most (~90%) of false registering. But that also means I cannot swipe from edge to bring up notification center. Plus it looks clumsy after spending that much money on a MBP.

Having been using MBP most of my life I'm sure I'm not the only person having this issues with 2018 MBP - is there a better or preferred (software) solution to improve the palm rejection?

Palm rejection on mbp

Solution 1:

Unfortunately palm rejection has never worked properly with the larger trackpad, and there is no fix for it. Just search for "macbook pro palm rejection" and you will discover many tales of woe but no actual fixes that work properly. Turning off tap to click doesn't help - besides tape or using an external pointing device, it seems there is little we can do until Apple fixes this hideous defect.

Solution 2:

Having looked for a solution, including here, and not finding anything, here's what I created: a 3D-printed "palm guard" that slides on and off.

"PalmsOff" on 15" MacBook Pro

More info is available at 3D-printing service Shapeways.