Chrome doesn't cache images/js/css

When Chrome loads my website, it checks the server for updated versions of files before it shows them. (Images/Javascript/CSS) It gets a 304 from the server because I never edit external javascript, css or images.

What I want it to do, is display the images without even checking the server.

Here are the headers:

Date:Tue, 03 Aug 2010 21:39:32 GMT    
Expires:Thu, 02 Sep 2010 21:39:32 GMT    

How do I make it not check the server?

Make sure you have the disable cache checkbox unchecked/disabled in the Developer Tools.

What do your request headers look like?

Chrome will set max-age:0 on the request's Cache-Control header if you press Enter in the location bar. If you visit your page using a hyperlink, it should use the cache, as expected.