Why is 4 not an instance of Number?

value instanceof Constructor is the same as Constructor.prototype.isPrototypeOf(value) and both check the [[Prototype]]-chain of value for occurences of a specific object.

Strings and numbers are primitive values, not objects and therefore don't have a [[Prototype]], so it'll only work if you wrap them in regular objects (called 'boxing' in Java).

Also, as you noticed, String(value) and new String(value) do different things: If you call the constructor functions of the built-in types without using the new operator, they try to convert ('cast') the argument to the specific type. If you use the new operator, they create a wrapper object.

new String(value) is roughly equivalent to Object(String(value)), which behaves the same way as new Object(String(value)).

Some more on types in JavaScript: ECMA-262 defines the following primitive types: Undefined, Null, Boolean, Number, and String. Additionally, there is the type Object for things which have properties.

For example, functions are of type Object (they just have a special property called [[Call]]), and null is a primitive value of type Null. This means that the result of the typeof operator doesn't really return the type of a value...

Aditionally, JavaScript objects have another property called [[Class]]. You can get it via Object.prototype.toString.call(value) (this will return '[objectClassname]'). Arrays and functions are of the type Object, but their classes are Array and Function.

The test for an object's class given above works when instanceof fails (e.g. when objects are passed between window/frame boundaries and don't share the same prototypes).

Also, you might want to check out this improved version of typeof:

function typeOf(value) {
    var type = typeof value;

    switch(type) {
        case 'object':
        return value === null ? 'null' : Object.prototype.toString.call(value).
            match(/^\[object (.*)\]$/)[1]

        case 'function':
        return 'Function';

        return type;

For primitives, it will return their type in lower case, for objects, it will return their class in title case.


  • For primitives of type Number (eg 5), it will return 'number', for wrapper objects of class Number (eg new Number(5)), it will return 'Number';

  • For functions, it will return 'Function'.

If you don't want to discern between primitive values and wrapper objects (for whatever, probably bad reason), use typeOf(...).toLowerCase().

Known bugs are some built-in functions in IE, which are considered 'Object' and a return value of 'unknown' when used with some COM+ objects.

You may try to evaluate:

>>> typeof("a")
>>> typeof(new String("a"))
>>> typeof(4)
>>> typeof(new Number(4))