Generating documentation in macros

It is possible to capture doc comments in macro invocations. It is not widely-known, but Rust documentation is actually represented as a special kind of attribute on an item. For example:

/// Some documentation comment
pub fn function() {}

// is equivalent to

#[doc="Some documentation comment"]
pub fn function() {}

And it is possible to capture attributes in macros. There are already several macros which use this ability, the most used probably being bitflags!:

macro_rules! bitflags {
        pub struct $BitFlags:ident: $T:ty {
                $(#[$inner:ident $($args:tt)*])*
                const $Flag:ident = $value:expr;
    ) => { /* ... */ };
    // ...

Note the $(#[$outer:meta])* and $(#[$inner:meta])* parts of the pattern. These capture all attributes placed before the respective item in the pattern. If you write a doc comment there, it will be converted to the doc attribute and will be passed to rustdoc, as usual.

The following is an example from the quick_error crate which also uses this approach:

quick_error! {
    pub enum SomeError {
        /// IO Error
        Io(err: io::Error) {}
        /// Arbitrary system error
        Sys(errno: nix::Errno) {}

It does work — here is an example of the structure generated by quick_error macro, and here is its definition.