How to CSS: select element based on inner HTML [duplicate]

<a href=""> innerHTML1 </a>
<a href=""> innerHTML2 </a>
<a href=""> innerHTML3 </a>

I want to style the second only (innerHTML2) using CSS selectors, based on the inner HTML. Is this possible? I've tried using a[value=innerHTML2] but it doesn't seem to work.

This is not possible using CSS. You can, however, do it using jQuery. There's a nice blog post on it you can read.

It's currently not possible for all browsers with css, but with javascript you can do this

Updated w/ working code. JSFiddle link below:

Initial HTML per @whamsicore:

<a href=""> innerHTML1 </a>
<a href=""> innerHTML2 </a>
<a href=""> innerHTML3 </a>


var myEles = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for(var i=0; i<myEles.length; i++){
    if(myEles[i].innerHTML == ' innerHTML2 '){

         //use javascript to style
         myEles[i].setAttribute('class', "gotcha");

CSS for styling:

/* make this look a bit more visible */
  display: block;

  color: red;

Using CSS you can't detect the content of the anchor tag.

[value=] would refer to an attribute on the tag

<a href="" value="blah"> innerHTML2 </a>

Not very useful since the value attribute isn't valid HTML on an a tag

If possible, slap a class on that a tag. As that is most likely not possible (because you would've already done that) you can use jQuery to add a class on that tag. Try something like this:

   <script type="text/javascript">
        $(function(){ $('a:contains(innerHTML2)').addClass('anchortwo'); });

And then use .anchortwo as your class selector.