How to remove uninstalled game from list of steam tray [closed]

I Uninstalling two games from my Steam, And in Steam application at LIBRARY/GAMES those don't listed, But when I right-click on Steam (icon) at my Windows tray those - uninstalled games - listed! and by clicking them installing page shows!
Is there any way to remove uninstalled games from steam tray right-click list?

I should add that I know those are my five recently played games, and I have just two games to play! I should also add this that my kid is playing with my PC so I don't want to click those old games from list of Steam tray icon!

Thanks in advance.

Just play 5 different games and it'll pop off the list. The Steam tray icon lists your 5 most recently played games.

Edit: If you don't want your child from installing, why don't you enable Family Mode? What's stopping him from opening the main interface and installing from there?