How do I disable animations in Preview in Lion?

On 10.7, option-up (Go > Previous Item) and option-down (Go > Next Item) aren't animated. Unlike page up and page down, they go to the next page even when the current page has a vertical scrollbar and isn't scrolled to the bottom.

The animations appear to have been removed on 10.8. There's however several visual glitches when changing pages at least on my installation:

  • Images of other pages or graphic glitches are sometimes displayed for a split second
  • The right page or both pages turn transparent for a split second when changing pages in full screen
  • The bottom corners of windows turn to squares after changing pages by pressing the arrow keys

Can anyone reproduce the bugs? Is the lack of animations another bug or specific to my setup?

One way to prevent the very annoying page slide transition animations in Preview is to use the mouse wheel, not very precise, but is a way.

The other, which I prefer, is to open the Thumbnails side panel, select a page and then when you press arrows up/down the effect is not used. If you use the page up/down keys though the effect is used.

Not much, but it's something.