Is it possible to have autoincrement number without it being an ID?
I keep googling and find that the only way is to use
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.Identity)
But I already have a primary key, I just need another field that auto increments. It's really hard to code it by manual calculation.
I see the following options:
1) You can use @Generated annotation.
You should have a table declared in the following way:
create sequence TST_DATA_SEQ increment by 1 start with 1;
create table TST_DATA (
dat_auto integer default nextval('TST_DATA_SEQ'),
and appropriate column in the entity:
@Generated(value = GenerationTime.INSERT)
@Column(name = "dat_auto", insertable = false, updatable = false)
private Long auto;
Note that according to the documentation:
Properties marked as generated must additionally be non-insertable and non-updateable.
So, hibernate will make additional query to populate the auto
field after flushing.
Data data = new Data();
// filling fields except
insert into TST_DATA (dat_name, dat_id)
values (?, ?)
Hibernate: /* get generated state com.example.hibernate.Data */
select data_.dat_auto as dat_auto_0_
from TST_DATA data_
where data_.dat_id=?
2) You can use @GeneratorType annotation.
You should have an implementation of hibernate ValueGenerator
. The simple example you can see below.
import java.math.BigInteger;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.tuple.ValueGenerator;
public class MyGenerator implements ValueGenerator<Long>
public Long generateValue(Session session, Object owner)
return (
(BigInteger) session
.createNativeQuery("select nextval('TST_DATA_SEQ')")
And then you can use it like this:
@GeneratorType(type = MyGenerator.class, when = GenerationTime.INSERT)
@Column(name = "dat_auto")
private Long auto;
In this case you should not provide the default value for the column declaration as was required in n1. and the appropriate entity field should not have @Column(... insertable = false, updatable = false)
. Each time when this entity will be persisted, hibernate generates query:
select nextval('TST_DATA_SEQ')
and populate this value to the auto