How to telnet to an IP address on a specific port?

Can anyone tell me how to telnet to an address using a specific port?

I've tried the following:


I suppose a route just hasn't been set up between the two hosts?

What I am trying to do is this. We have a medical device – a ventilator. it is connected to the network via a converter box called ECOV-110 on this ip address. This device, displays messages when it gives oxygen and other things it does for the patient. We would like to capture these messages, and update the Patients record in the database.

So I am trying to telnet to the Ecov 110 and see if there is any data there to capture.

Solution 1:

The port number is the second parameter to telnet

telnet 110

to telnet to port 110.

Solution 2:

On a normal Unix machine the port is just the second argument on the command line. If you wanted to telnet to your device on port 12345 you'd use:

telnet 12345

You have to be able to establish a connection to the remote host and know which port number you want to talk to, though.

Solution 3:

A simple Web search for ecov-110 turned up the user manual here - I presume this is the unit anyway:

The manual covers use of a tool to identify the device on the network and how to interface with it. Since this device is being used in a medical setting I'd speak to the suppliers before trying any DIY interfacing just in case there are any technical or legal reasons why you shoould not be doing such.