How to upload one file by FTP from command line?

I need to upload a single file to FTP server from Ubuntu. This operation should be done in a script (in non-interactive mode). What is the right syntax for ftp?

I'm trying this, to no avail:

$ ftp -u ftp://user:[email protected] my-local-file.txt
ftp: Invalid URL `ftp://'

Solution 1:

Here is one approach:

$ ftp -n <<EOF
user user secret
put my-local-file.txt

Alternatively, create (or edit) the ~/.netrc file in the home dir of the user that will run the ftp command, give it appropriate perms (chmod 0600 ~/.netrc), and add the following:

# ~/.netrc
login user
password secret

Then omit the login information, as in:

$ echo put my-local-file.txt | ftp

Also, here's how you might do the same thing using curl:

$ curl -T my-local-file.txt --user user:secret

Solution 2:

I can recommend ftp-upload. It's a neat little tool that you can install under ubuntu through sudo apt-get install ftp-upload.

Usage example:

ftp-upload -h {HOST} -u {USERNAME} --password {PASSWORD} -d {SERVER_DIRECTORY} {FILE_TO_UPLOAD}

Solution 3:

You can also try lftp.

Here is an example:

lftp -e 'cd folder1/folder2; put /home/path/yourfile.tar; bye' -u user,password

Refer here for more details and also refer to LFTP Manual


Solution 4:

You need to fix the URL given in your statement. You received the error because the URL was incomplete - it was missing the name of the object you are uploading. Once you add the filename after '' as I have done below, you will see the single command does indeed work as you intended.

Try this:

ftp -u ftp://user:[email protected]/my-local-file.txt my-local-file.txt