Words that are both Anagrams and Synonyms [closed]

So my father and I were talking, and I commented that it is supremely satisfying that the words it's and 'tis are synonyms that have the exact same distribution of characters (they are anagrams). He responded with evil and vile, which got me wondering how many examples there are of words that are both synonyms and anagrams.

My two questions:

1) What other examples can you think of? Post them as comments!

2) How would you go about trying to find these examples in an intelligent way, i.e. without simply picking up a thesaurus and going line by line (or more specifically, making a computer do it for you)? Is that really the only way to do it?

angered, enraged
bate, beat
blate, bleat
cleaners, cleanser
detail, dilate
evil, vile
lowest, lowset
name, mean
note, tone
parental, paternal
pat, tap
piles, spile
post, spot
punks, spunk
recourse, resource
stop, spot
veto, vote
vileness, evilness
wale, weal

Some of these might be debatable because the MyThes thesaurus I used as a source is rather inclusive.

I filtered a ton of false positives, here is a sampling of them:

  • technical terms with trivial differences (e.g. alexandrian senna vs senna alexandrina)

  • loan words with multiple acceptable spellings (e.g. harakiri vs harikari, schtik vs shtick)

  • minor spelling differences and errors (e.g. despoilation vs despoliation)

  • phrases pluralized inconsistently (e.g. herb roberts vs herbs robert)

  • AmE vs BE differences (e.g. theatre vs theater)

  • the same stems in the opposite order (e.g. lookout vs outlook)

For my source code and full results, including an annotated list of excluded words, see this git repository.

From a computer science perspective, this is not a particularly interesting problem. Finding anagrams is quick and easy, so the only limiting factoring is reading through the whole thesaurus, which is slow simply because of the number of words included. In general, no problem can be solved faster than the time it takes to read the input.