scp a single file to multiple locations
Solution 1:
Let's say you have a file (destfile.txt
) with user@host
-values, one on each line. Then you could do like this:
while IFS= read -r dest; do
scp ourfile.txt "$dest:remote/path/"
done <destfile.txt
Solution 2:
Looks like a job for parallel-scp(n)(t) - this implements a set of commands that allow for scp commands to be run on multiple systems at once. It will allow for the copying of files in parallel to a set of machines.
Solution 3:
cat file.txt | tee >(ssh [email protected] "cat > file.txt") \
>(ssh [email protected] "cat > file.txt")
tar cz file1 file2 file3 | tee >(ssh [email protected] "tar xz") \
>( ... )
Solution 4:
If you have a consistent naming convention going on for multiple servers, you can do something neat like:
for x in st1-abc-{11..20}; do scp filez.tgz user@$x; done