Counting total number of matches with grep instead of just how many lines match
Does grep offer a way to count the total number of matches it makes? The -c option only returns the number of lines that matched the regex, but in this case I have multiple matches per line.
Solution 1:
try this:
grep -o -E "your expression" file |wc -l
well, -E is just an example, it could be -P, -F etc. point is -o
kent$ echo "abc xxx yyy"|grep -cP "[a-z]{3}"
kent$ echo "abc xxx yyy"|grep -oP "[a-z]{3}"|wc -l
Solution 2:
There is a -o flag which indicates that only the matched subsection of the line should get printed.
Use that in conjunction with wc -l:
grep -o "part of line" | wc -l
man grep explains it as well.