I have to maintain a large number of classic ASP pages, many of which have tabular data with no sort capabilities at all. Whatever order the original developer used in the database query is what you're stuck with.

I want to to tack on some basic sorting to a bunch of these pages, and I'm doing it all client side with javascript. I already have the basic script done to sort a given table on a given column in a given direction, and it works well as long as the table is limited by certain conventions we follow here.

What I want to do for the UI is just indicate sort direction with the caret character ( ^ ) and ... what? Is there a special character that is the direct opposite of a caret? The letter v won't quite cut it. Alternatively, is there another character pairing I can use?

Solution 1:

There's ▲: ▲ and ▼: ▼

Solution 2:

Don't forget the (logical and) and (logical or) characters, that's what I use for indicating sort direction: HTML entities ∧ & ∨ respectively.